Technically, you can move a male for breeding purposes, without any movement restrictions. However, I think you do need to fill in a movement form.
As for the fee, remember they are having to feed him as well. It used to be if someone borrowed a billy, they got the use of him for free, as they were feeding him, and if anyone else came to use him (whilst he was at theirs) you got the stud fee for that.
However, in more recent years, it is more common to ask for a stud fee, albeit maybe a reduced one to offset their feed costs. I was charging £35 for a stud fee for Raker. He was a proven male, a Breed Champion, with all his certificates to become a full Champion. That wasn't very high stud fee, but even so, it is unusual to get people coming to stud nowadays. I know people in your area charge as much as £50 for a stud fee, for a registered goat. I would probably say to the people who are borrowing him, the normal stud fee would be say £30, but because you are looking after him, it will be £20 or £25 per goat. I think thats fair.
I having been trying to reply to this for days- and only just got to it!