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Author Topic: Poorly Piglet  (Read 11533 times)


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Poorly Piglet
« on: November 29, 2007, 07:08:07 am »
Just wanted to share a bit of info with you.

We had a little piglet who developed pneumonia at about five days old. Thankfully she is ok now - I keep anitbiotics in my piggy first aid kit so was able to give her a jab before the vet saw her, and he gave her a slow release antibiotic and then I carried on with my own bottle,  but she is growing noticeably smaller than her brothers and sisters, although she they were equal sizes at birth and also  the most bizzarr thing has happend. Here ears have dried and shrivelled up! I did speak to the vet yesterday about it, and they had never heard of it, but said not to worry it wouldn't affect her. This is true, unless she ever gets to look a mirror of course!! Seriously though, I wonder if it is because her blood supply was impaired when she had breathing difficulties and her ears just happed to be the farthest away for the blood to get there.

Nothing can be done now, but I thought it might be worth passing on the experience, and also maybe some of you pig keepers may have experienced and equally bizzarr happpening?

As a foot note, what things do you keep in your animal first aid kits?

I keep an antibiotic and syringes
The coloured anticeptic spray - does wounds and feet
Antiparasite injectable solution - does internal and external parasites
Foot clippers
Cotton swabs
Anticeptic cleanser
Spare collars for goats - (just incase)
Worming record book
Vet telephone number and names (we have one vet who's not keen on pigs)!

Is there anything else I should have?
Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Near Stirling, Central Scotland
Re: Poorly Piglet
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 08:57:33 am »
Here ears have dried and shrivelled up!

On googling the aliment of you wee piggy i found this book not sure if anyone would find it of interest but thought i would post it up,M1
not sure if you'll find anything here about wee piggies ears.



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