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Author Topic: Hilary's building plans  (Read 6530 times)


  • Joined Oct 2007
Hilary's building plans
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:36:57 pm »
 ???  Hilary has started to rebuild her arc from the inside out, using sedge grass rather than the traditional straw, wood or bricks of the fairy tale pigs.  Before the arc refit she was able to walk in and out of her arc with no problems, now she has to duck her head to get in through the very small walk way she has left.  The piglets are forced to navigate a mini grass mountain or to risk being trampled as they rush through the gap with mum when the food gong sounds.  Before this Hilary had plenty of room in her arc with her piglets, now she is forced to lay with her head nearly out of the arc.  Hilary has had 5 litters this is the first time she has ever done such a thing, the piglets are now 10 weeks old, so do not need this level of protection.  Hilary apart from the fort building has not changed at all, is still a happy personable, heavy lady with an eye on the food bucket and a first to the table gets most attitude. 

Before the piglets are forced to leap off any higher peaks to get to their food or find themselves barricaded in totally, and/or Hilary finds herself sleeping outside her grass palace, could anyone throw any light on this behaviour.

One other thing, we have never removed her piglets from her, they normally leave home themselves when Hilary's  desire for their food overtakes her mothering instincts.  Any advice much appreciated.  HM


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Re: Hilary's building plans
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2007, 09:00:42 pm »
Are there any preditors around perhaps? She could be protecting her family.

Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Hilary's building plans
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2007, 08:46:19 am »
I dont think any predators around here would touch these piglets they are little bruisers.  This morning the Berlin Wall in sedge has appeared around the arc.  Not that I object to the sedge being torn out by its roots, there is no shortage of that at present, its the thought of having to dig it all out when she moves out.  At present its going to be easier to take the arc apart and to move that, leaving the sedge building to rot slowly.

She has never done this before.  On the other hand its the first time she has ever had a single number litter.  I am sure it is some sort of misguided piglet protection scheme.  Not sure what to do about it.  She is in season, but unusually has made no demands to be taken to the boar.  Help


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