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Author Topic: Piggy Stories  (Read 8718 times)


  • Joined Oct 2007
Piggy Stories
« on: December 13, 2007, 03:07:34 pm »
Iam sure everyone with pigs has a story to tell, so thought I would kick off with one of my favourites.
After feeding time- early one morning,the  sun  was out so decided to grab a coffee outside. All the pigs were in a field secure ( so I thought), as I sat it was not unusal for local pushbike riders who fancy some off road mud pass my house, I looked ready to say "bonjour" when I noticed the look of horror on his face and his constant looking behind him.
There they were the 4 of them running behind him, ears flapping until they suddenly stopped by the garden looked at me, looked at him and then they proceeded to walk straight into the kitchen.
Have to say at this point the pigs in question are Mangalitzas large, bulky and very unknown here.
All I can say is the next time these people decide to take a detour across my fields, they better be ready!!!!!!
I look forward to reading more of your stories, so come on!!!


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Piggy Stories
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 03:20:54 pm »
My postman was always convinced they were a breed of English sheep!!!  Can visualise your biker being pursued by 4 mangalitsas, they sure can run when they want to.


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Piggy Stories
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2007, 03:24:46 pm »
It was also the sight of those huge flapping ears too!!!!!


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Re: Piggy Stories
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2007, 08:45:03 pm »
We are here sat in front of the fire with a nice glass of wine and what is sat along side me - yes a piggly!! Only here in this life would I have a pig sat at my feet.

It has been bitter here the past few day and with the rain before it, the little darling just got so cold today that I think it was giving up. It just lay there listless and still. We brought it in and I sat with it on my lap in front of Cagney and Lacey this afternoon, wrapped in a thick towel talking sweet nothings in its ears and telling her how lovely she was and just rubbed her and cradled her. I had to go to town for an appointment so I put her in the dog cage right into the abck  fire place behind the Godin and left her there and hoped for the best.
I returned at 5pm and she was still led there wrapped in her towel, she hadn't moved - eyes open, I thought she was a gonner. I touched her and she gave out the biggest grunt and has been all active ever since.

It is too cold to put her out tonight so here she is until tommorrow, but it has been a nice ending to a stressful day. The nicest part of it has been that our little Jack Russell Daisy has been sat with her all day guarding her and growling at any cat or dog that has shown the slightest interest in her.

The only problem now is the hoping there are going to be no poo's this evening. Dog farts are bad enough but pig poo would just tip me over the edge I think!!

Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Piggy Stories
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2007, 07:18:47 am »
How is the piggy is she eating?  Thats how we started with Pumpkin, who now knows how to open the door to the house and where the fridge is.


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Re: Piggy Stories
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2007, 12:26:34 pm »
Pig is fine this morning - she is not a new born but around 7 weeks old - bizzarr really for the age. Anyway she is fighting fit and back out with her brothers and sisters. Will keep an eye on her today, and she has lots of lovely fresh straw to bury herself in although she did look very contended led on her towel and straw this morning and very reluctant to leave! I cannot blame her though love her.

Scare over thankfully - role on spring!

Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


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