Munchkin collected all the grapes off the 9 year old vine last weekend on the Sunday afternoon.. So my Monday began with a frantic rush to get hold of some basic wine making gear again .
£18 later and two glass demijohns from our Mens Shed's storeroom & I'm ready to go .
Managed nearly 4 pints of home made grape juice must from my own black grapes and a full demijohn using a small bottle of red concentrate to ensure that we actually do drink our own wine, one way or another on Christmas day .
Sitting, here reading about, " The can you freeze this & that thread " caused me to think about what to make in the first empty demijohn
Well I have about 20 pounds of tomatoes frozen solid like snooker balls ... you can guess what's coming next can't you ?
Has anyone ever made tomato wine ?
If so has anyone got a recipe they've tried & what was it like.
So dry you had to keep it in a lead container to stop it dissolving things like it did to the glass bottles .