Author Topic: Happy birthday, Jack!  (Read 2658 times)


  • Joined Dec 2015
  • North coast of Scotland
Happy birthday, Jack!
« on: July 30, 2017, 04:17:55 pm »
I was going to update my Pupdate thread, but thanks to Photobucket's new Ts and Cs, the photos have disappeared from it.  So this is what came home at the beginning of October last year.

Jack by Caroline Jones, on Flickr

He grew.  A lot.  He's a good inch and a half taller than both his parents, and he hasn't finished yet!  When he arrived, he could run under Jura's stomach.  Now she can run under his.

Jack by Caroline Jones, on Flickr

He absolutely lives for his work.  Last month he got to help out in the fanks for the first time, which was a great learning experience for both of us.

Jack by Caroline Jones, on Flickr

He's out in the fields twice a day every day with me and every couple of days we'll bring the sheep up from wherever they might be grazing and pen them on my neighbour's hardstanding (they've moved away, I'm keeping their fields down for them).  Last week I stood on top of the hill next door and, without moving from my vantage point, got him to bring them up from next door's bottom field, through their middle field, through the narrow gateway between next door and our fields, down into my field shelter field, back up through the narrow gate again and then up into next door's top field where the pen is.  I'm not sure whose grin was bigger, his or mine  :excited:

Anyway, it's chucking it down here this afternoon and so we're having a lazy afternoon.  This is 'you woke me up simply to point your phone at me?' expression.  Happy birthday, Jack :)

Jack by Caroline Jones, on Flickr


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