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Author Topic: plastic vs wooden hen houses  (Read 7314 times)

alan m

  • Joined Jul 2008
  • Hemel Hempstead
plastic vs wooden hen houses
« on: August 05, 2008, 08:31:23 pm »
hi all, just had a relative visit us and the 4 girls, he has expressed an intrest in keeping chickens at home .His garden is about 1/4 acre he also wants to go down the Omlet Egg Cube route, can anyone give me an unbiased opinion either way, pros/cons of both, I will send him a link to this forum so he can make an informed decision.His ideal flock size is as follows:- 4 Wyandotte and 4 Bantams.
Many thanks


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: plastic vs wooden hen houses
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 07:43:33 am »
I have no experience of the eglu firsthand, so I would also be very interested to hear from users especially if they have also had wooden houses.


  • Joined Jan 2008
  • Lincolnshire UK
Re: plastic vs wooden hen houses
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 03:26:12 pm »
I havent used an eggloo? one but I have used a plastic shelter before.

easy to clean
easy to control red spider mite
easy to move and lighter
low maintenance

get hot in the sun
degrade in sun faster

wood pros
easy to replace rotten/broken parts
easier to keep cool

need continual maintenance
difficult to control red spider mite
not as easy to keep clean

For me I went back to wood as it was easier to repair and to keep cooler in the summer but the plastic was far easier to hose out and keep clean. If your relative has plenty of money, a shady place.does not intend to expand his flock and wants something that is easy to clean then look at the omlet ones, but if he has limited funds and does not mind repairing/painting in the spring then wood would make sense. I have one old wooden house which was my first and a gift from a neighbour, it was built in the 50's and although i repair it every year and "creasote" it, it is still going strong.

Hope this helps


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Fife
Re: plastic vs wooden hen houses
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 07:32:33 pm »
I have an Eglu, with the extended run for it and I have to admit I love it, its so easy to clean out, move around etc and I would love to get an Eglu Cube, but just cannot justify spending a ridiculous amount of money on one, if they were a lot lot cheaper I would have one.

I also have a wooded coop (converted rabbit hutch) that I keep my pekin bantams in and its a pain to clean out, takes ages to dry once its been hosed out etc..

I guess there are pro's and cons for both, as Rosey has already mentioned, I keep both the Eglu and the wooden coop alongside my connifers and they get plenty shade/kept cool.

So my verdict it... i'd recommend an eglu  ;D

alan m

  • Joined Jul 2008
  • Hemel Hempstead
Re: plastic vs wooden hen houses
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 09:04:51 pm »
Hi, thank you for your comments I have sent a link to this forum for him :) he can make up his own mind, I dont think cost will enter his equation as he`s looking to spend about £40-50 per bird(bit excessive ) I prefer wooden hen houses as they look more traditional.



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