I'm no expert but I'd certainly leave them for a while after they arrive. They can be a bit miffed after they've been moved - the advice I got when moving a hive was to open the entrance to the hive and leg it!
Weather would probably be your next concern, don't open the hive if its rainy or too windy, or if it's too cold, I think above 13 degrees is probably OK. That's a balmy summers evening in Scotland

There are a some really good bee people on here who can probably give you more advice than me... But this is something to start with. Good luck...
... Oh, be gentle with the frames if you are inspecting them for the first time on your own (ideally you should have someone that knows what they are doing). Start from one side and leave the first frame out the hive as you inspect the others. Banging frames or rubbing bees against each other is another sure way to upset them.