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Author Topic: Elderly goat with swollen udders  (Read 12734 times)


  • Joined Jun 2010
Elderly goat with swollen udders
« on: June 21, 2010, 09:10:20 pm »
I have an elderly goat who has extremely swollen udders - they have been slowly getting bigger and bigger.  The vet told me there is nothing to do for it, and I have been unable to find anything on the internet.  I can only find articles for goats who are lactating, which she is not.  They are very painful for her in the last few weeks and she is having a very hard time walking.  She is fine otherwise and I feel so bad for her.

Any suggestions on what I can do?


  • Joined Sep 2009
  • Pembrokeshire
  • The Happy Smallholder!
Re: Elderly goat with swollen udders
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 10:27:34 pm »
my sannen molly is only a young goat 12mths never kidded to young, she has a swollen udder on one side only.
it has been like this for a while now, i have taken her to vet in case of mastitis but after checking this was ruled out.
he seen a tiny scab so he gave her an injection of antibiotics in case she caught it on briars or something causing
some sort of infection.
the swelling has gone down a little molly in her self is a happy girl much to my relief.
i myself checked online to see could i find something to relat it too but not much luck myself.
have you brought her to vet to rule out mastitis?
this shows by swelling of the udder and is a very serious thing, i hope others that are more experienced in goat keeping on ere
can give you advice or answers as they were great when i put my post up about molly.
keep in touch hope things are going to be ok ;)
langdon :goat:
Langdon ;)


  • Joined Jun 2010
Re: Elderly goat with swollen udders
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2010, 02:51:10 pm »
Thank you for the reply.  The vet seemed to think it was normal for an older goat.  I have had her for about 6 years and they have always been large, but recently they are growing even larger (almost touching the ground and and with a diameter that makes it difficult for her to walk).


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: Elderly goat with swollen udders
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2010, 10:13:35 pm »
Is the udder soft or hard and hot? If it is soft it could be fluid accumulation or an oedeama, and if it is an older goat I am not sure what could be done about it. Too new to goatkeeping myself, and mine are all very young.


  • Joined Sep 2009
  • Pembrokeshire
  • The Happy Smallholder!
Re: Elderly goat with swollen udders
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2010, 10:24:35 pm »
ah poor thing i really hope she gets better, its awfull when you have an animal that is unwell and you feel
you cant do anything.
please let me know how things progress ;)
langdon :goat:
Langdon ;)


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  • Joined Sep 2008
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Re: Elderly goat with swollen udders
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2010, 01:06:42 pm »
How do you know she is not lactating? Have you tried to milk her? It is still possible for older goats to come into milk in the summer with the better weather and good grass. I used to have a goat who still came into milk every summer until she died aged 10. If it is milk, then you could milk her. If not, I would recommend giving an antibiotic to stop any infection and seeing how it goes.



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