my sannen molly is only a young goat 12mths never kidded to young, she has a swollen udder on one side only.
it has been like this for a while now, i have taken her to vet in case of mastitis but after checking this was ruled out.
he seen a tiny scab so he gave her an injection of antibiotics in case she caught it on briars or something causing
some sort of infection.
the swelling has gone down a little molly in her self is a happy girl much to my relief.
i myself checked online to see could i find something to relat it too but not much luck myself.
have you brought her to vet to rule out mastitis?
this shows by swelling of the udder and is a very serious thing, i hope others that are more experienced in goat keeping on ere
can give you advice or answers as they were great when i put my post up about molly.
keep in touch hope things are going to be ok