Author Topic: Alpaca Open Day - Exeter 13th Sept  (Read 24875 times)


  • Joined Sep 2008
Alpaca Open Day - Exeter 13th Sept
« on: September 04, 2008, 02:02:12 pm »
Do you want to learn more about alpacas?

If so, why not come along to the Dartmoor Alliance of Alpaca Breeders Open day on 13th September.

Attractions include:
Mini llama walks
Alpacas, some with new babies
Kune Kune pigs
Pygmy goats
Treasure hunt/quiz
Name the babe competition
Refreshments - Cream teas, cakes, bisuits, "Proper Pork" burgers & sausages

Entry will be £2.00 per adult, children free, the ticket cost to include provision of a cup of tea/coffee  - squash for children

For more information visit the website


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