Author Topic: New Piglets  (Read 19578 times)


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
New Piglets
« on: November 09, 2007, 01:06:23 pm »
I just wanted to share our good news today.

We have had a few piglets born over the past 6 weeks, Tammys and Saddlebacks and crosses, but this week - well something to behold! Mangalitza/Potbelly crosses. I have to say that Onlso our Swallowbelly Mangalitza male was supposed to mate just with Miss Piggy our Potbelly sow, which he duly did, after he had visited her three daughters first!, which in fact were supposed to be for meat! BAD BOY!

Anyway, between the two litters we have seven piglets,  and four have the markings of the Mangalitza which we are thrilled about, and three are black. We just hope now that they develop the curly coats as well.

Potbelly pigs just are not fashionable in France, so we are hoping that this combination will prove to be a little more popular.

I will post photos on our website this evening - they really are special - you will not have seen anything like them before I promise you!!

We are hoping for our first pure Swallowbelly Mangalitza litter in the New Year, but for now I feel like the cat who got the cream!

Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2007, 05:55:45 pm »
Just want to say that we are thrilled for you too. What a combination!!! just knew Onslo was made of good stuff he is a darling. Onslo didnt get his proper curly coat for some months- possibly after weaning so fingers crossed, given they have the stripes on them there is nothing to doubt they will not be similar.
Well done you, Onslo and all the pot bellies, keep us posted on their progress and the other imminent births.


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 08:34:18 am »
They are really super the stripey ones look like the iron age pigs.


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Fife
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 09:50:21 am »
Congratulations :)

They look great, I must admit i'd never seen pigs with curly coats before, they really are quite stunning.

I had a look through your site and think its great, was lovely meeting all your animals, I have added your site to my blogroll, i'll be back to follow your progress..



  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 11:20:30 am »
Thank you for your kind comments.
I have been looking at them this morning and still can't quite believe it. They are very active today dispite the cold dank weather, but driving the mums mad. They are obsessed with building straw walls to keep the kids in, and the kids are hell bent on crushing them down to get out. It should be an interesting day!!
Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2007, 11:38:29 am »
Well it has been mixed emotions this week. Had 16 piglets castrated on Monday, including our new babies, and have since had two losses from our Mangalitza/Potbelly crosses. The first little man was stood on in the night presumably by mum thus pushing his intestines through his wound hole and sadly died, and another male from the same litter got shut out by mum on Tuesday night, who laid accross the entrance of their shelter and left him out in the cold. No matter how long we do this, deaths just never get any easier and I shed so many tears - silly I know but I just can't help it.

Anyway the first litter are thriving and mum is loaded with milk so the young are growing very fast. The second litter although now depleated in their numbers are also doing very well and all five piglets play with eachother. They slip through the fencing to visit eachother and jump and role around - it is just lovely to watch them. Their enclosures are outside the bathroom window, so no mangazines in our loo thank you very much - our very own live Autumn Watch!

Litters 3 and 4 are not going to arrive for another week or so, one of them being a sister to the other Potbelly/Saddleback cross mums, and the other is actually mum to all three. She is pure Vietnamese so it will be interesting to see how her babies turn out in comparison to her daughters.

The forth sister who is somewhat larger than her siblings, having taken size wise more after her Saddleback father than her portly Potbelly mum Miss Piggy,  has just mated with one of our Tamworth boars Boris,  so very interested in tasting her offsprings meat at some point in the future. Vietnamese meat is superb as is Tamworth so a combination of the two should be very special.

Anyway, will keep you posted so HAVE A NICE DAY :D
Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2007, 08:14:42 pm »
I envy you the various mixes of pigs. I have some deep and very sad desire for order so have always envisaged a uniform herd of pigs. Mind you, I manage to enjoy a motley crew of hens of various shapes and sizes...


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2007, 09:34:25 am »
Kate sounds like heaven.  Have you tried using pot belly meat for pork pies and sausages, the extra fat apparently makes a superb pie. 


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2007, 07:58:21 am »
Number 3 potbelly X  has finally produced in the night! 5 little ones although at first glance not the same as their cousins. They seem to be all black, so will just have to wait a couple of days and see how they develop. All are still quite lovely of course and more importantly healthy. Fingers crossed we have no accidents with this litter, it would be terrible to lose any.

So, off to visit Monsieur Onslo Mangalitza with his cigar - good boy!!

Just Miss Piggy to go now ( the mother of the other 3 mums),but in true Potbelly style, or her style at least,  I feel she is going to produce a boat load of the little dears!! (14 last time).

It is always an experience with Miss Piggy. She is the friendliest pig without babies, but takes on a sort of Elzibub likeness with a new family. She doesn't leave her shed at all for about three days, and has the little ones behaving to order with a single grunt and has them moving around like a shole of fish.
All this to look forward to, bless her cotton socks!!
Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2007, 10:47:21 am »
Fantastic news.  Miss Piggy sounds wonderful such a character.  This is probably not quite the place for this, but pot belly meat makes the absolutely best pork pies ever, also if you like your sausages a little bit fattier (as I do) they make a really wonderful banger.  I think its something to do with the quality of the fat.  Many apologies to Miss Piggy and co. for this insensitive remark.  Again wonderful news, have you any photos on the website yet?


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Near Stirling, Central Scotland
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2007, 11:26:45 am »
well done :)


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2007, 05:58:45 pm »
Congratulations to Onslo and No 3. Can't wait for Miss Piggy to pop!


  • Joined Nov 2007
Hello People
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2007, 01:27:56 pm »
Hello People i just got in here am new in this Farming thing,although, i have been into Poultry for some years now.

Please people, i amm interseted in Rearing Pigs ,please what do i need to know about Pigs.

I like them alot and i want to go into rearing them for sales.

Please i dont want tto make mistake lossing money in it.
Please advice




  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Near Stirling, Central Scotland
Re: New Piglets
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2007, 07:22:53 pm »
ask a question an am sure people can help you on here :)


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