If you ever get a chance to attend a lecture by Prof. Goulson do go. So we all think we know quite a lot about bumble bees, right? Wrong, I think. Much more fascinating than you ever thought. I attended a lecture arranged by the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust last night, which was sold out - encouraging.
Sounds brilliant! I have tried and tried to find out info on all our British Bumbles, also solitary bees etc. Loads of stuff on honey bees and the odd bumble appears in insect books, but not what I'm looking for. I'm a member of the British Bumble Bee Conservation group, but other than a big ID chart there's not much more info.
We had a couple of tree bees in our garden this year - I think this is the 'bee front' moving up the country.
I'll see if Prof Goulson has published anything accessible
modified to add: He has published 4 books - the scientific one has more than I need and a hefty price tag so didn't get that. I did though buy one by Prys-Jones and Corbet which looks pretty much what I'm looking for.