Author Topic: Sheep sponging question  (Read 2422 times)


  • Joined Apr 2012
Sheep sponging question
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:53:16 pm »
Last year sponged the sheep worked great lambing began on Tuesday finished on Wednesay night. Great!

This year all prepared booked 2 weeks off from 22nd March. Sponges were due to go in Saturday for 14 days then out 2 weeks later. Tups out 2 days later. 

Well work decided to tell me today that I can't have 2 weeks of now an I can only have from the 12th till 21st off!

Going on now! But my question is if I sponge them tomororw night can I take them out a day or 2 earlier an still have the same effect? Them few days could be vital! If not its just bad luck!


  • Joined Aug 2011
Re: Sheep sponging question
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2016, 08:11:36 pm »
Hi. You can probably get away with taking them out at 12 days at this time of the year.  I know others who stagger taking them out e.g. 12 13 14 days.I too book my annual leave for a week and work the dates back and sponge so they lamb in the middle of that week so it allows for a bit early/a bit late.  Hope it works out well for you.


  • Joined Apr 2012
Re: Sheep sponging question
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2016, 08:20:32 pm »
Great that was what I wanted to hear! They will go in tomororw night an ill take them out on Monday the 17th. Rams can go out on the 19th. It's annoying cause I had them all in this weekend to trim feet etc!

Thanks for the reply though :-)


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