My shetland stallion, 26 yrs old, laminitis prone, not over weight has been rocking around on 3 legs for 8 days now .
The vet has been back and forth to evaluate the progress. ....... none !
Tried a poultice on his hoof (front leg) in case its a abscess for the last 3 days, no sign of any trauma, nothing happening .
Not laminitis, no damage to his leg, allows me to massage it no bother.
I am beside myself with worry because he has a problem with his back leg anyway and over compensating because he cant put this front leg down at all is bound to give him trouble elsewhere.
Hes on bute, that makes him rest a bit. Vet said not to bring him in as may cause swelling not being mobile.
I am at a loss and so is the vet
was hoping someone may have experienced something like this and could advise.
Asked about an xray but vet said would not show anything happening in the hoof.
Any advice please !