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Author Topic: Weaning - Ewes Query  (Read 5371 times)


  • Joined Feb 2008
  • Fife, Central Scotland
Weaning - Ewes Query
« on: July 12, 2008, 10:42:06 pm »
Hello folks, I'm on limited ground so can't move my ewes to another field to wean.  I've put them in a pen with hay and limited water.  My query is - how long should I do this for - is 3-7 days about right.  Also what happens to the milk that is in the udder - do I need to milk them to get rid of it?  I don't understand what actually happens to make the ewe dry up - I could appreciate that this might be painful and uncomfortable for the ewe so want to make it as easy for them as possible. I have no concerns for the lambs as they are big and fat and well past the weaning stage.

Would appreciate your advice.



  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: Weaning - Ewes Query
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 07:29:07 am »
Hi, Carol

My book says that at weaning ewes can go on bare pasture or housed on straw. They will call for a couple fo days then settle, but can mother up again for up to three weeks after weaning.

Re. the udders -  just leave well alone - if you milk them you will stimulate further milk production - which is obvious if you think about it. The milk, which should be minimal by now, given the age of the lambs, will be reabsorbed. You will need to look out for signs of mastitis in the ewes.

Hope this helps.

I'm so glad I'm following you in this!!


  • Joined Feb 2008
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Re: Weaning - Ewes Query
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2008, 07:01:29 pm »
Why wean! leave the lambs with the ewes and they will soon be weaned by the ewes! Unless all your male lambs are entire this is the perfect solution for the person with no other land to move them onto! Just take them to the abattoir when ready! If being kept back for breeding ask around to find out if there is anyone local who has a small field thy would like grazed!

Taking the ewes from the lambs but leaving both in earshot of each other is very distressing for sheep and humans!

Overall winner of the Devon Environmental Business Awards 2009


  • Joined May 2008
Re: Weaning - Ewes Query
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2008, 07:33:01 am »
We have weaned successfully, ie very ittle distress/calling with lambs in the next field to the ewes so that they can all still see each other but the lambs just don't have the access to the milk bar. As long as you have good fencing this seems to work better than out of sight but within earshot weaning. However as woolly says if the lambs are for slaughter and likely to be ready before you need to get your ewes ready for breeding again then its best to take them to the abattoir from the ewe as they won't have a weaning growth check.


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