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Author Topic: What to feed my weaners ......  (Read 3824 times)

Paul and Caroline

  • Joined Apr 2014
What to feed my weaners ......
« on: July 02, 2016, 10:57:29 pm »

I have 4 SBX's - 2 gilts and 2 boars now approaching 15 weeks. I am feeding them a mix of sow rolls and Weaner pellets and wondered if I have got that right? I was advised by the supplier to feed the rolls but have had contrary advice to keep them on weaners right up until finishing - (hence the above compromise).  The boars are entire and are in a large paddock of about one third of an acre with the gilts - I don't have an option to separate them and I am concerned that they could well get that twinkle in their eye  before they go to 'market'. To that end I would like to finish them (the boars) at around 22 weeks for pork and keep the gilts a bit longer for bacon etc. Obviously I want them to be up to weight <90kg so would appreciate any guidance on achieving this in the time available without just making them very fat.... Hope this makes sense?


  • Joined Dec 2015
  • North coast of Scotland
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2016, 08:28:39 am »
We kept our GOSs on the weaner pellets and ad-lib grass right up until slaughter and they came out pretty tubby.  If/when we have more, I'll definitely be trying rolls instead.


  • Joined Dec 2010
  • Talley, Carmarthenshire
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2016, 08:53:39 am »
We also kept out GOS on weaner pellets with lots of fruit and veg and they were very good. Even the abattoir commented on what nice pigs they were.

So, opposite to Caroline and when I get more weaners I will be keeping mine on the weaner pellets
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits


  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2016, 09:43:45 am »
There is really two questions here. Should I feed a general sow nut or a finisher? How much should I feed? People do different things so you will get different answers but the key thin is that you have to monitor how your pigs are finishing. Feel them along the back. Are they firm or sqidgy? Sqidgy is fat. It is OK having an age in your head to send them in but they could be ready sooner or after so you must look and assess regularly. Do you know what a 90 kilo pig looks like? Pigs are very deceptive and weigh heavy.

We always have a weigh session on our courses and look at show/breeding pigs and finishers to give people an idea of the difference in fat just by looking and feeling a live pig. Also putting them on the scales gives people an idea of weights and size. People always underestimate the weight when we put the first pigs on.

As you can see by the answers already people do different things and your first pigs will always be a steeper learning curve.

Paul and Caroline

  • Joined Apr 2014
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2016, 01:13:26 pm »
Hi Harmony

When I feel the pigs for condition scoring they are rock solid and not even a little bit squidgy however I was told I should be able to feel their spine and ribs with gentle pressure, but I can't feel them at all unless I really dig. I have religiously stuck to the 1lb per month of age daily feed which I give over 3 meals in the day. I don't have access to any significant amount of fruit or veg but they have a very overgrown paddock roughly 20m x 45m brimming with thistles, nettles and other assorted weeds, plus grass of course. I have a neighbour who has a micro brewery and we get his Brewers mash once he has finished with it and they get some of that as well. As you say, this is a huge learning curve for us. I have no idea how to judge weight by eye but I will use the girth x length formula as a guide in a few more weeks.......


  • Joined Dec 2010
  • Talley, Carmarthenshire
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2016, 02:03:38 pm »
P&C, I used the girth x length formula and when they went on their journey I was just about spot on.
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits


  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2016, 02:31:02 pm »
They sound OK from what you say. Keep assessing with the hands on approach. Fearings do a weigh tape which we used alongside the weigh scales one day and it was fairly close to the scale weight. What is the "X" bit of the SBX?

Paul and Caroline

  • Joined Apr 2014
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2016, 05:12:55 pm »
Sorry - Saddleback crossbreed (no idea what with though!)


  • Joined Nov 2014
  • Cambridgeshire
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2016, 06:34:31 pm »
I just keep on weaner pellets and have always had good results.


  • Joined Aug 2014
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2016, 07:23:12 pm »
Also worth asking a fruit and veg shop or stall if you have one not too far away for their waste. You will have to pick through it a bit, but, I halved my feed bill for quite a few years this way and the meat was lovely!
(As shop/stall holders have to pay for their waste to be taken away they will fall on you!)

Marches Farmer

  • Joined Dec 2012
  • Herefordshire
Re: What to feed my weaners ......
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2016, 10:29:00 am »
I was told by the breeder of the weaners we used to take to finish for the Rare Breeds Meat Marketing Scheme to feed to time, not weight, reducing gradually from what they could completely clear in 20 minutes at weaning (8 weeks) to 10 minutes at 20 weeks.  16% protein sow & weaner nuts all the way, a few bits and pieces from the vegetable garden for variety and no extra snacks or treats.  If they are over fat now you'll find it difficult to shift it before slaughter age.  They need to grow frame first then flesh it out.  Fat should be laid on in the last few weeks before slaughter.  We add up to 200g a day of barley and wheat (soaked for several hours before feeding) and it puts on enough fat for good crackling.


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