Agri Vehicles Insurance from Greenlands

Author Topic: Insurance for sheep - possibly a daft question !  (Read 6931 times)


  • Joined Apr 2008
Insurance for sheep - possibly a daft question !
« on: July 08, 2008, 11:05:55 pm »
What does everyone do re insurance for their sheep.  I know I need public liability insurance but what else is normal as far as insuring sheep go ?  If you spend several hundred pounds on an individual pedigree sheep can you actually insure them as individuals for their purchase cost - just like you insure a pedigree dog or a horse ? or is it just a risk you have to take

I have wondered what those who spend thousands of pounds on a 'top tup' do - seems an awful lot of money to risk if you're then unlucky enough to lose him before he has done his job so to speak

If you go to shows is there any sort of requirement to have insurance   

As a beginner reading up on sheepy things in general there seems to be a common theme about them dying on you (!) so perhaps being able to insure them isn't 'normal' as they're considered as high risk by insurers ??

will also have either field shelter or stables in due course so would hope to insure these too

any recommendations re insurers welcome, thanks


  • Joined Jun 2008
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Re: Insurance for sheep - possibly a daft question !
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2008, 12:16:14 am »
As far as i remember tups are insured  for 30 days after sale against death and there is usually a garauntee that he will 'work'. However 'work' may consist of getting just 1 ewe in-lamb, which isn't ideal if he gets put with 40 ewes..if he fails to work the seller either repays the purchase price or provides a similar value replacement

having said that 've only heard this in theory, Thankfully i've never had to make a claim, but i do have a tup that only manages 5 or 6 ewes every year so he just gets used as a teaser two weeks before the main tups go in


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