I am just putting the feelers out, as I have a large amount of haylage left from last year. About 30 bales and only have two horses and 5 sheep to eat it. A lot of it seems ok, although about a 3rd of it has holes in it from where the birds have got at it. I am trying to decide what to do with it, as I have no means of moving it. I would like to get rid of a lot of it, although I didn't think anyone would be interested in it as bales on the top have gone mouldy. The bales which I have used, some have been pretty bad, so had to throw quite a lot away, although the current bale is really nice.
I would not normally have haylage, and hope not to have it again. It was only baled as haylage, due to the bad weather and the time in the season. I normally have small bale hay. I really would like to get rid of a lot of it to make some space.
Anyone have any suggestions. It cost a lot to bale, and don't think I am likely to see much of it back.
Anyone interested?
Thank you for reading