When I went into an anaphylactic shock I was rather ill to say the least . the Ambulance crew did what they could but it was in the emergency area that the adrenaline was given .
Whilst it was being injected the team manager said this is a large dose you may shake a little .
Shake a little ........ the whole trolley shook as well , it sounded like a dozen skeletons having a barn dance on a corrugated tin roof. At some stage I passed out and woke up a bit panicky as I found I was on drips & with an oxygen mask on my face & one of the A&E team sitting next to me .
Every follicle on my body had exuded a thin greasy smelly waxy substance up to a 1 mm thick hair ,about 3 to 5 mm long , not unlike the covering some new born babies are covered in .
As I was assessed and moved from the high dependency care bed area to another part of the casualty care ward the team popped in to see how I was before they went off shift.
The head guy said I was the loudest longest shaking Stevens they'd ever experienced .
I was prescribed a set of Epi pens that night as I was sent home at 22.00 hrs , made a little carry bag to go round my neck to hold tem in . Thankfully I never needed to use them , after the third exchange of the run out of date pens I spoke with the doctor and said I don't think I need them now.
I haven't a clue as to what kicked off my episode as I was at a family reunion party & inside the house , had just got up at 07.30 hrs in the morning .