Just for information and perhaps consideration by members. I contacted the HB on three issues.
I wrote to the HB asking to see the minutes of the Council meetings AGM 2013 - to current; was told I could view them in the minute book in Shetland; queried this and was told that it would be discussed at a Council meeting.
I wrote to the HB and the President asking them to reconsider the decision not to take Grassroots software. Software for which the Council had bid for a grant to purchase previously.
I wrote with some questions of clarification of aspects of the Constitution.
On Saturday, I received a letter from the Society, as the Council refers to itself (by recorded delivery no less) saying
"All your correspondence was read and all points raised were discussed at the Committee Meeting and have been noted. The Society is currently investigating options for the Pedigree data, Breeding Advice and Website. The membership will be informed when there is a satisfactory outcome".
You may make of this what you will, but it is, to me entirely unsatisfactory and patronising.