Author Topic: Its Funday Friday  (Read 63036 times)


  • Joined Nov 2009
  • North East Lincolnshire
Re: Its Funday Friday
« Reply #225 on: July 18, 2010, 03:23:59 pm »
Blinking heck WP  had an appendicitis operation in 1952 and can still remember the pain.It is the only stay I have had in hospital and they kept me in a week and I was off work a fortnight recovering Then it turned septic and had another 3 weeks I hoped never no more and touch wood have not had to stay in over night since.I go fairly often these days but don't need to stay overnight I am at the Diagnostic Investigations Unit on Tuesday not looking forward Ian sticks a needle in my wrist thats like a pencil and about as sharp.He claims he needs blood from an artery and not a vein and it is buried deep in the wrist.If he misses first go it gets very painfull indeed.We hope you are soon up and about though and Jess isn't to disappointed and you can take her later :farmer: :wave:
Don't do today what can be put off until tomorrow because today will be yesterday tomorrow


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