here are some update pics of the new colony of bees. They are settling well now apart from where I had left a frame out of the super they had actually moved into . I know they should be in the brood box , well they are moving into that now slowly. I really didn't think about the missing frame and then after leaving them in peace for 4 days I checked them and they had made a complete new drawn wax comb almost exactly the size of the other frames:
I felt really guilty cutting off their new wax , but I had to do it so I could put on a queen excluder and a new super for any honey they may make as time goes on now. The new wax is pictured removed here:
I have since melted this down into a mould . I use my bread machine measuring jug for this as the wax doesn't stick to it , it just pops out once it is solid and gone cold, after a couple of minutes in the fridge. I haven't got anything to filter the wax through now so it is a bit bitty, but it is yellow wax as opposed to the really old wax that I have been melting down which is a dirty brown colour.
Sorry for the blurred picture :
At the moment they seem to be drawing and filling the frames with brood etc , some of the brood frames were just that , frames without any wax foundation at all . Well they are correcting that on their own . More news as and when there is some....