Hi, we have a farm, which we bought last year. We are just finishing geeting one of the roofs on the house watertight before the winter. After this we have many projects such as thinning out the woods which mainly consist of smallish birch, ash and willow - its wet in places and fairly inaccessable by vehicle, except a quad- if we're lucky.
I was considering getting some of my ponies in there to assist with the work in some way - they are all broken and long rein fairly well, I have today longreined my gelding in a harness, which he really didn't mind at all. They are all pretty much bomb proof and my gelding in particular is a real 4x4 off roading machine.
Do any of you use your equines for anything similar, even if it's just carrying back firewood or bales of hay to other livestock - what equipment etc do you use?
It seems silly struggling with a wheel barrow or similar if there is a big(ish) strong pony who'd be happy to help and otherwise watching you as you trudge across the field!