
I'm new here!
I work with a flock of Hebridean sheep and have received a few interesting suggestions / ideas to look into.
One of these ideas is to buy myself a tup, and lend him to my boss for the Hebridean ewes. First obvious question is in terms of money, what is the normal system? As in, would he literally be hired by the day/week? By the number of ewes? By the number of lambs produced? Hired for nothing, but get a proportion of the money from the sale of the lambs?
In terms of welfare, grazing and care is not a problem. But generally would a new tup get along with a resident tup if they were kept together outside the breeding season? I'd expect the odd squabble of course. Would it be easier if the new tup was a young lad? Would I have to consider horned vs polled breed (the resident is of course horned but I'm thinking of a polled breed for the new tup)?
What age is good to buy a tup? I'm not concerned with a prime show specimen, as I'd be cross-breeding. But health and temperament are vital, and of course he has to be fit for the job! He'd go with experienced ewes, so a first-timer shouldn't be a problem. Would a shearling be too young? Or is that the normal age to start work?
Sorry for all the silly questions, but I'd hate to miss something that would affect my decision!
Thank you so much for any advice!!