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Author Topic: HONEY ON TAP !!!  (Read 15705 times)


  • Joined Aug 2010
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« on: September 19, 2015, 08:47:19 am »
No more harvesting honey ?  Just turn on the tap

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« Last Edit: September 19, 2015, 08:27:18 pm by Dan »
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Carse Goodlifers

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« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2015, 09:28:04 am »
When I click on the link, I get a clip regarding Wing Walking ???
Not sure if that is what you've meant to put up DBE.


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« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2015, 12:34:58 pm »
This is an amazing invention, I am seriously considering buying one
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« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2015, 05:54:50 pm »
When I click on the link, I get a clip regarding Wing Walking ???
Not sure if that is what you've meant to put up DBE.

Sorry - it should be sorted now :)

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Carse Goodlifers

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« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2015, 06:52:05 pm »
That is ace DBE.
They could make a serious amount of money from that.
Absolutely amazing invention.


  • Joined Jun 2013
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« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2015, 10:17:30 am »
I advise caution before you hand over your money , see if  there are any other bee keepers / bee farmers in the UK who have used them successfully in our temperate climate .

 I've not come across any but to be truthful I've not dug too deep yet.

I would have thought that the Countryside type TV programmes would have been cock-a- hoop if such an invention that was taking the commercial bee keeping arena by storm.
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« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2015, 12:35:29 pm »
Hmm, I've got my doubts about this one, I'm a bit of a sceptic when it comes to some 'new inventions' - it's not April 1st is it?. As cloddhopper says, I'm sure (for example) the likes of Countryfile would be including this 'innovation' in their programmes. I wonder if the BBKA has said anything on the subject?
Having been a beekeeper for about 45 years, I have issues with things as portrayed in the film. For a start, no self respecting beekeeper would have honey running out in fresh air into a jar in or near the Apiary as the bees (and wasps) would converge on it, the little girl wouldn't get near enough to put her finger in the honey! (Ok, later they show tubes going into sealed jars). As to the 'frames' that move, the 'foundation' must be of plastic construction as wax would be too fragile to allow movement, I just wonder how they overcome the bees habit of adding extra wax and propolis everywhere, surely that would 'gum up' the frames and foundation preventing them from working - ever tried separating a super from the brood chamber or prising out a frame when they've been busy sticking every tiny crack up with propolis and wax?. Also, what happens to the cappings when the frames are moved, the shearing action must dislodge them?
Regarding the flowing of the honey, it might work in a hot or tropical environment, but I doubt it would be suitable for a temperate climate - and certainly wouldn't work in the UK for Heather honey!
Lastly, It's portraying 'let alone' beekeeping which is a disaster, allowing all sorts of problems to affect other beekeepers. Opening the hive and inspecting the brood chamber is essential to check on the health of the colony, how else are you going to see Verroa, Foul brood etc., if you never open the hive. How are you going to know when the colony is making queen cells as a prelude to swarm? As for the nice 'windows', well if youv'e ever had an observation hive you'd know that the glass gets covered in wax and detritus and if left long enough you won't see much.
I'm not saying that this 'innovation' is impossible but I'm still to be convinced that it is practical or desireable or indeed, affordable.


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« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2015, 08:42:20 pm »
i suspect that as the cells never get full due tothe constant drain through the bees wouldn't want to cap them unless totally full .

My thoughts were that once the cell in a normal hive is full, the bees fan it to get the moisture levels down before capping it off.

 To me that means the substance that is going into the jar is nigh on just unripened honey or  24 hr or so  old nectar.   If so the moisture levels would be too high and further evaporative processing would be needed back at the bottling area surely .

Interrogating my neck top computers memory banks draws a blank tonight , what is the legal maximum moisture content here in the UK for retail honey ....  18 % ?
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« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2015, 08:19:00 am »
Scepticism is healthy, but most of these questions are answered on their website or Facebook page:

They're very up front about known limitations, and they say this about care and maintenance:

In our area it is normal to inspect the brood nest of each hive twice a year for disease. In some areas beekeepers check more frequently. If the hive is weak it should also be inspected. Our invention changes the honey harvesting component of beekeeping. All the rest of the normal beekeeping care for the hive still applies; beetles, mites, swarm control, etc. The Flow™ Hive’s end window does assist with allowing you to look into the hive and gauge the strength and health of the colony.

So not promoting 'let alone' beekeeping at all.

It may not be perfect for everyone in every circumstance, but it looks to me like a great innovation.  :bee: :bee: :bee:


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« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2015, 08:45:09 am »
When I kept my bees I tried to use the least intrusive methods possible on the basis that bees have been around for a lot longer than beekeepers :)

I always thought that if I was in my home doing what I did and someone suddenly wrenched the roof off just to have a look in and see I was okay, and when I had just about made good the damage they did the same again, and made me live in dirty chemical contaminated spaces that were not even the right size for my needs, then I might feel a bit stressed and possible succumb to more illnesses than otherwise, especially if all the food I ever made was taken away and replaced with refined sugar and pollen substitutes.

I think the old straw skeps were a much kinder way of bee keeping.  There are some fantastic video of this method still used successfully by German beekeepers.  But it was very time consuming

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« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 10:09:35 am by Dan »
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  • Joined Aug 2010
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« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2015, 08:53:41 am »
Hummmm (no pun intended)  The BBKA  - when I kept bees it was accepting donations from, and endorsed the products produced by Bayer - which in my opinion were lethal to bees - and although I have no scientific background I did a lot of research at the time and that was the conclusion I came to.   

Of course things at the BBKA might have changed now
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« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2015, 10:59:37 am »
I wanted to wait a while to see if any experienced beekeepers tried this and could report on it. I still can't find any.

You have to look at both sides of the coin, I can find reports how wonderful it is, where are the reports of the problems so we can believe it's real?


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« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2016, 07:32:49 pm »
So this has all gone quiet, maybe it wasnt the revolution everybody said it was?


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« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2017, 10:51:03 am »
has anybody got any info on this? Did it change the world of beekeeping or was it nonsence?

Why are the experienced beekeepers still not doing it this way?


  • Joined Jun 2013
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« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2017, 01:54:26 pm »
Honey on tap keep promoting it themselves . they say theyb have been wining awards but who is running the awards scheme ?

 I did a Google on it a few minutes ago , so far  it appears to be an expensive  minority sport .

One thing comes to mind ... Bees are sensitive to many things I wonder how they will react to the plastic in the invention when it warms up & starts to give of gases inside the hive  .
 Think how a new car reeks of its plastics  & gives many humans evil headaches for weeks & week till it declines & /or we get used to it .
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