Got myself a lovely little Sec D gelding on loan a few weeks ago. My lovely connie had to be retired at the grand age of 9 due to a stifle injury so decided to find a loan pony due to lack of funds for a new purchase. Stumbled across the sec D locally who seemed perfect, only 8 years old, been shown, been there done it all, nothing fazed him, owner couldn't fault him in any way. I explained that I just wanted a safe hack, alone and in company and to do a bit of schooling and possibly a dressage test. Rode him a few times then decided to take the plunge.
He arrived with a saddle that didn't fit, shoes falling off, etc etc. Spend stupid money on a new Wintec saddle for him (knowing I could use it again if he didn't stay) had him shod, wormed him, insured him etc etc.
Hacking started ok, first few times out he was a bit spooky, but obviously he was new to the area so let him off that. Perfect in the school and no problem hacking round the farm until we met my cows. He went into complete meltdown!! So we avoided the cow end of my farm!!
Next few hacks round the village produced one bolt at high speed down the road when he met a dog in a gateway, a spin and a major proper bolt when he saw cows in a field.
Last hack yesterday produced a speeding gallop down the road, round a bend and nearly crashing into a car, all because he spotted cows in the distance!
Now I can ride well, I have sat on many naughty horses, but when this pony decides to spin and bolt there is NOTHING you can do. After a lengthy conversation with his owner today, where she admitted he has done this many times in the past, it was agreed that he would not be staying with me and would return home at the weekend.
Gutted is putting it mildly. Why wasn't she just honest in the first place?? Would have saved us both a lot of time and energy and saved me spending money unnecessarily. A tad annoyed and actually quite relieved that nobody got hurt in the process, could have been nasty.