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Author Topic: Pigs livers  (Read 3910 times)


  • Joined Jan 2008
Pigs livers
« on: May 27, 2008, 01:17:04 pm »
And yet again its me with more questions - thanks goodness for this forum!

Our pigs were killed friday am at the abbatoir - we picked them up yesterday lunchtime and they were cut up in the afternoon - we put what we could in the freezer but some of the hams and bacons we left in the fridge until this morning when we decided to freeze a lot of them (hopefully that is okay???)

The pigs heads were left in a bucket of cold water overnight and are now being cooked slowly to make brawn.

My question is the pigs liver was in the fridge and last night we froze it - how long can we freeze it for please as I have read all sorts indicating that you cannot preserve pigs liver?

Also the heart is still in the fridge (almost freezing temperature) is this okay?

Sorry for all the questions but I am up to my eyes in pork as you can imagine........

Thanks again x


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