Just checked my sheep and one was found collapsed. She can scramble about when pressurised but would really prefer to be lying still. Her eyes are bright and focused. She looks well in herself, in good condition. She is about 18 months old and has no lamb. She is a sbf with a full fleece, no sign of worms. She is now in the sheep house in a deep bed of straw, happy to drink water and I'm sure she'll enjoy some nuts when she has settled down.
2 days ago I brought all 60 sheep in and dagged out the dirtiest, some had maggots but not bad and all maggoty ones were treated with crovect including collapsed ewe. Her maggoty patch on her tail appears to be healing well and no signs of pain or puss. We are in a ticky area but no sign of ticks on her at the moment.
Any suggestions of what's wrong and what to do with her?