I currently get around 6.5 acres cut every year into small bale hay. I usually get around 300, so keep some for my own horses plus a few sheep and sell the rest straight from the field. I also have another field around 4 acres which I need to do something with this year. There's just way to much grass to leave. Last year I had the farmer (who cut all of my hay) cut and bale the extra field into large square bale haylage, which he took free for cutting it. Plus I hadn't got a use for it so it solved the problem.
I was hoping not to have to do the same this year, however with all this good weather the grass has gone bonkers, so I have way to much. I have thought about doing some haylage for my own horses, as well as hay. However if it was cut and baled into large square bales, I have no means to move it, plus opening a large bale with only 2 horses, I fear that most of it would go to waste. Ideally I would like to get it cut and baled into small bale haylage, however I don't think my farmer cuts bales and wraps small bales. This is my dilemma. I would hope I could sell it straight from the field, however I'm not sure of the market for small bale haylage, nor the cost of baling it.
Does anyone have any advice on the subject regarding cost of bailing/selling. Or is there anyone who would be interested in buying some if I was able to get it cut. It is lovely meadow grass 99% weed and thistle free.
Thanks for reading