Author Topic: Smallholder Goat Meeting  (Read 1876 times)


  • Joined Jan 2012
Smallholder Goat Meeting
« on: June 18, 2015, 10:19:36 am »
 [font=]Hi everyone, [/font]
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[font=]The next meeting is a goat keeping meeting on Thursday 25th June at Palacerigg Country Park in Cumbernauld. The start time is 6pm and the address is Palacerigg Country Park, Palacerigg Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, G67 3HU.[/font]
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[font=]We will be covering the differences in treatments and metabolism between goats and sheep for beginners, and some body condition scoring, worming and vaccination information for more experienced keepers to aid in developing your range of goat skills.[/font]
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[font=]The park does have goats, but they are Bagots, so there will not be the same level of goat handling as you might get with dairy goats (but on the plus side, attendees won’t be trying to listen to someone talking whilst simultaneously trying to fend off six dairy goats from eating their clothes and emptying their pockets like the last meeting, which is a plus for concentration!)[/font]
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[font=]Please email me on [email protected] if you would like to attend the goat meeting at Cumbernauld – we need to know numbers so we can set out enough seats! Teas and coffees will also be available. [/font]
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[font=]Best wishes to you all, [/font]
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