Well a day late because i=of really inclement wet weather and the 16 panel PV array is fitted up & working
They did the final bits for commissioning just as the light was falling to dusk at 1650. Still a few unrelated things to sort out tomorrow morning but the main job is done.
We went out virtually as the guys left .. pleasantly surprise on our return to see that in the remaining light 51 watts were registered as being produced .
Peter the company owner of Amgen Renewables said that the latest panels were a lot more effective than those of a year ago and the same with the latest German made control unit. let's hope he 's right and that they stay that way.
Not long after we got home the dog sets up a racket and we hear the gate bold clanging ( it's six bar tubular galv'd farm gate with bolt on a decent strong spring makes a real loud clang if you don't grip it right ) it gets almost everyone who comes here.
There is a timid tap on the door and as I'm using my crutches to get up and see who it is they ring the bell as well . I popped on the hallway light ... lo and behold there is my next door neighbours man in his civil servant office suit.
I took one look at him and knew what was coming .
" This solar thing it's an eyesore ..you have to have planning for it , It's a bloody eyesore I'm going to complain . "
I've never had much time for fools who open their mouths and put both feet in but a middle rank civil servant who starts a spouting without checking the correctness of the facts I have even less time for .
He was much taken aback when I said , " You don't need planning permission "
" You do" he said , "I'm going to complain "
When I repeated & added " You don't need planning permission but you do need to inform them of what your doing , you also have to inform building control ... do you want to see the letters " his jaw dropped.
Had I a picture of it I'm sure it would be in an award winning class on it's own .
I bade him, " Good evening " and started to close the door on him , for I'm not going to wasting my house heat & money on people like that.
When he realised I was closing the door having bade him good evening & that was as far as he was going get he bleated , " You need planning , I'm going to complain "
We were about to go out again at 18.20 hrs. , & as I took pooch out on the lead to be clean in his toilet , I noticed that the woman's father was there all huffed & puffed getting into his car...
She was stood on the step making noises of false un concern as only a person of her calibre could .
Thankfully I had the foresight to read the relevant doc from the county council on planning and building controls on green energy systems fitted to your roof despite what I 'd read on here.
I wrote to both them informing of my intent and asked for permission , the building control officer who opened the building standards control case, came to inspect and gave the go ahead for the installation to take place . He has to pass it once the full paper work is available as well .
Has anyone else had such ill informed arrogant neighbours/ busy bodies come trying to call the shots when , during or after you have had your system installed .. if so do fancy putting it on here ( without cursing

) what eventually happened ?