Morning Wolfie - don't you just love this summer weather!
Anyway, Faverolles! I have a beauty and his ladies are arrives in a fortnight. They are a beauful breed to look at, very colourful with a lovely beard, yes beard - the ladies to. They are large for the table and good layers so the breeder tells me, so a good choice to put a splash of colour around your property.
For pets - Silkies as Rosemary said. Also, miniture Buff Orpintons, very cute and like to be handled. We have just lost ours to the fox tagically, but will get more. Which ever breed you go for as a pet, best to get it/them as young and possible and handle from the off. We have several fancies who are stand offish, but the particular Silkie we have tamed, we hatched ourselves in the incubator, and the little Buffy we bought young and handled a lot from the start.
Let us know what you decide to get wont you.