Author Topic: Fluid/blood in upper chest area on elderly ewe  (Read 2686 times)


  • Joined May 2015
Fluid/blood in upper chest area on elderly ewe
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:52:33 am »
Now that my wife's six elderly Jacob Sheep have been sheared, the shearer pointed out something on one of the ewes - her upper chest flesh is very saggy and appears to be carrying an excess of fluid. The shearer said that he has seen it before and that it's possibly blood pooling, apparently caused by a problem with the heart.

Has anyone seen this before?

The ewe is grazing just fine and seems okay in terms of mobility and alertness, etc - however twice during the past week she hasn't come in for the small amount of dry food that my wife has been feeding all the sheep for the past 12 years or so (they get a small amount every morning).


  • Joined May 2014
Re: Fluid/blood in upper chest area on elderly ewe
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2015, 11:22:16 am »
Hi , your notice interested me because over a year ago now, I had a 11 yr old goat that developed an area that sounds like your ewe has. The vet aspirated some fluid ,which was bloody, serus fluid ,he thought she may have knocked herself but as she was a boss it seemed highly unlikely to me. We decided, in the interest of welfare as it seemed to be making her cough when she put her head down to eat , to drain it !! Big mistake , it drained then blood, fresh and a good quantity so it had to be dressed with a pressure bandage, stopped the bleed and was removed after a couple of days but the swelling reappeared.!! We then decided that she may have a growth somewhere that had infiltrated a blood vessel and that was the cause. I' m afraid the outcome was that the swelling got larger than ever and her cough a lot worse so she was euthanased on welfare grounds.
I am rented to say ,if she is well in all other aspects, leave well alone but have a chat with your get in case he has seen it before and is a simple job to clear up. Good Luck hope all's well long term :sunshine:

Marches Farmer

  • Joined Dec 2012
  • Herefordshire
Re: Fluid/blood in upper chest area on elderly ewe
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2015, 02:38:27 pm »
I'd seriously consider getting the knackerman in (quicker than the vet so less distress to the ewe).  It can';t be comfortable for her and if she's missing her daily treat then she's not feeling good.


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Re: Fluid/blood in upper chest area on elderly ewe
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2015, 04:07:02 pm »
If its on a point of her chest where she rests when she lays down it may be bruising sometimes fluid can accumulate in areas that are constantly getting knocked ( think elbows in labradors). it may also be an indicator that there is an underlying process contributing to a build up of fluid. In either case personally I'd judge the ewe on other signs if any decision is needed and leave well alone
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