Couple of questions regarding Permitted development - 5 hectre
Do not want to keep bothering Peter, Local gamekepper put me in touch with local land owner aparently this council are known for throwing hurdles up - just my luck.
He has offered me as much land as i need to get up to 5 hectres, couple of questions would woodland qualify or does it need to be fields.
i intend to put in Permitted development for 4500 ft steel barn think everything else fits criteria.
Here is the icing on cake if it is correct, i have been told to put in for temporary permission for a mobile home on site while i build the barn.
That would be fantastic and solve my other issues if its possible.
Next question is would council have resonable grounds to refuse mobile home or am i entitled to till the barns completed.
Also how long could i take to build the barm ie maximum time.
Any advice would be apreciated before submiting applications, this will really put cat in with pigeons