I have a shetland pony and I got her in 2011, in 2012 she developed scabs on her muzzle around the time she was turned to pasture.

In 2013 she stood with another horse and it seemed as though that horse had played rough with her.

Lump on her neck(we thought from biting)

Last year, it happened again, but no pictures.
And this year it gets worse and spreads to more of her body. She has scabs on her belly now as well and I don't remember them being there.

I've had 3 different people tell me 3 different things. They all have some form of medical background with horses. First one told me sweet itch, possible from too much sugar in her food, second one said a fungus and the third said lice, mite or mange.
I thoroughly searched her, but I have seen no activity of lice and mites are too small. I washed her today with tea tree shampoo and put a cream based on dead seasalt, calendula extract, eucalyptus oil and rosemary oil on the itchy skin and left her inside for today. Tomorrow I'm repeating the gel, but I still don't know what I'm treating.