Depending what breed your girls are - there must be a goatkeeper (with males) near enough for you! There is a Gloucestershire Goat group, so they may be your first point of call. If your girls are still in milk in the autumn, then boarding may not be an option (most people only take goatlings)
If you are solely interested in milk from your current milkers, than breed as such may not be the most important factor - but think what you want to do with the kids - keep yourself any females as future milkers, sell to someone else as future milkers, eat them etc etc. Definitely mull over what to do with male kids - unlikely that they would have breeding value.
Getting a new CAE test done over the summer is definitely worthwhile - you may not find a breeder nearby that would let you use the services of their male without it.
Making contact with any potential stud owner before the breeding season is also important, just out of courtesy if anything.
If you look at the BGS website - there is a section on with all the show dates/locations - some (not all) of them will have males so you can go and see them at their best!
Getting a billy rag (yes it is what you think it is - a smelly rag that has been liberally swept of boy's most stinky parts and then sealed in a double plastic bag to keep it's aromoa) is also very helpful to detect when the girls are in season - again most stud owners can help with that.
Also make sure that your girls' vaccinations are up to date - the stress of travelling (and possibly boarding) can make them more prone to pasteurella.
Think about sponging to get them into season at the same time.