three 25 g packs of sage in 5 pound of lean pork 2.5 pounds of belly pork coarsely minced ,.
Also adding 25 g of dried celery leaf and about a teaspoon of ground up in the mortar rosemary 1/4 teaspoon of white pepper three teaspoons of salt , some times adding a teaspoon of fresh fine grated ginger & a couple of grates of nutmeg .
the rest of the recipe is add 3/4 pound of pinhead rusk , a pint of ice cold water ( sometimes another 1/4 of a pint if things are too dry .
Once the herbs have been sprinkled on the minced pork that's laid out on the draining board and rubbed in we add the rusk then add the water to the mix that is now contained in a big plastic bucket sat in the sink as our normal mixing bowls were too small
Filling skins .
Before shirring the skins on the stuffer tube I open the skin and pour in about 1/2 a teaspoon of olive oil in the skin ... this lubricates things really well as the oil is continually running down inside the skin . This helps the skin slide off the stuffer when it is full . Prior to this we often found we had a skin split both when putting it on and when filling them .
once made in a long run that lays in the sink I link the sausages and place them in the fridge for a couple of hours to firm them up ready for the next exercise .
I wipe / grease three plastic dinner trays with a bit of kitchen roll soaked in soft butter and then cut the links into individual sausages and lay them like little soldiers in rows on the trays , slipping full trays uncovered into the big chest freezer till they are individually frozen . Then I pack them in threes or fours in heat sealed vac pack bags and indicate type & date made with a super permanent marker pen before putting them in the right pecking order in the freezer baskets in both kitchen freezer & the chest freezer out in the garage .
I tried vac packing them before freezing them but the vacuum depression simply squashed the skins flat and made a " cowpat" of sausage meat .