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Author Topic: wooden posts  (Read 3219 times)


  • Joined Sep 2009
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wooden posts
« on: January 22, 2010, 09:01:18 pm »
 :goat: I noticed today in the paddock the goat's are taking a liking to the bark on the post's.
I'm abit worried as the bark is there to protect the wood, if they keep going as they are there
the post wont last for long
I know that with tree's you put wire around the trunk to protect it, but this would be a nightmare of a job to do,
as there is so many post's!!!!!!
is there any thing else like some type of wood varnish or something that would put them of doing this.
also what are ye opinions on chain link fence for  :goat: cos i thought of taking out the wooden posts
and putting in concrete posts with chain link wire, would be interesting to hear what ye have to say,
as everything else ye have posted has allway's been excellent(trying to earn the browny point's ere!!!) ;) :goat: 
Langdon ;)


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Re: wooden posts
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 09:47:20 pm »
Hi Langdon,

I wouldn't varnish them because the goats will still chew them, and then they'll be eating some not very nice varnish!

Concrete posts would be fine, as is chain link. Depends on where you can get that from- might it not be more expensive than just replacing a few wooden posts every so often? Ours don't generally eat the fence posts too badly, but then they are most often out when the weather is nicer and they want to eat the grass and not boring bits of wood. The other thing you could do, is get a big bit of branch, put that in the field with them. It'll give them something to nibble on and maybe save your fence posts!



  • Joined Sep 2009
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Re: wooden posts
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2010, 10:19:31 pm »
thank's beth for quick reply as allways
i was'nt going to put the varnish on! it was just something to write as i could'nt
think of other things it was just to get ye thinking( do u know what i mean!) ive rammbled on a bit.
what you said about the grass with you makes sense.
with us we got the pen with lots of gravel, brambels and feeders on the ground, plus
we do have two lots of branches on the ground too for them.

Langdon ;)


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: wooden posts
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2010, 05:01:23 pm »
Yes, put in some branches etc, and renew once they have finished with them. Keeps them amused, and you can then dry the branches (quicker without the bark!) and use for kindling/fire. Mine have so far not chewed the fence posts, but the netting is on the inside and top wire is electric, so they are a bit wary of it.


  • Joined Aug 2009
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Re: wooden posts
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2010, 07:56:48 pm »
I've had good luck with mixing up some dish soap with water, putting it into a spray bottle and squirting whatever you don't want them to chew on. Won't hurt them or the wood, they get out of the habit if you respray it whenever it washes of after a rain. But yes, as the others mentioned, keep putting branches in their pen. :goat:
1 wonderful husband, his 200 beehives,13 chickens, 8 camels, 4 zebra, 21goats,  2 pigs, 4 dogs, 1 horse, 2 ponies, 1 donkey and 1 capybara.


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