We're happy to announce that there will be a Scottish Smallholders' Conference on Friday 13th (sorry) February 2015 at the Huntingtower Hotel, Perth. We hope it will be a great opportunity for smallholders to meet up to discuss issues of importance to them and to enjoy a bit of smallholder chat and socialising before the days get too long and the "To Do" list even longer.
There will be two streams of speakers, providing eight presentations. We also hope to have some relevant organisations there to provide information and advice for smallholders going into the new year.
The Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspection Division will be on hand to make two presentations on the new CAP in Scotland, with relevance to smallholders, covering in detail eligibility and compliance requirements; application procedure plus up-to-date information on the Scottish Rural Development Programme includng the Small Farm Grant Scheme.
Other speakers will include representatives from Scottish Rural Colleges presenting on neo-natal lamb care and correct use of wormers. Other speakers will be confirmed soon.
Tickets are £25 to include refreshments, lunch and delegate pack. Tickets will be available on-line only and only from 5pm on Tuesday 23rd December to 31st January.
The ticket price covers the cost of the venue; we'll be seeking sponsorship to cover additional costs.
Details will be on the
www.ssgf.uk website tomorrow.
So if you're looking for the gift for the smallholder who has everything....