Hi Pointer, yes unfortunately the same apply to all and every vaccine, for any species and against any disease. After broaching, the bottle must be used within hours, some advise more some less but never more than 24 h. And always kept in the fridge before opening or on ice in-between animals. All drug companies have slightly different wording so the best is to read what the specific leaflet says.
Purified bugs and proteins degrade quickly and even if it might still retain any effectiveness after being open some time (which it really doesn't and diminishes rapidly over hours/days), the drug company would not accept any complaint/liability re. lack of efficacy or adverse reactions if pre-broached vaccine was used.
Also any off label use of veterinary medicine (including vaccines) carries a much increased milk and meat withold times. For example if vaccine X says on the datasheet of having 0 days milk/meat withold (as is the standard), that only applies if used within the Y specified hours of opening the bottle. If you use it beyond the time allowed on the datasheet, on top of everything already said about injecting fresh water, you also automatically incur in 7 days milk withold and 28 to 60 days for meat.
Drug companies may be evil in many respects but one of the few things they are good at is specify how and when to use a product to achieve best results, especially with vaccines, as hard science and evidence (which costs them money) has gone behind what they write. Other than that, it is up to you to experiment but they want no liability if disasters happen.