A lengthy reply Cloddopper but no sign of the proof I was asking for to back up your claims.
I was aware of your commercial experience but how much of that involved rabbits kept on sand ?
I have over 25 years experience in almost every field and aspect of commercial poultry but I would not have a clue about keeping poultry on sand as i've never done it.
The welfare of rabbits kept on sand in a cage would like as not see you get prosecuted if your were caught doing it ..such is the effect of animal welfare legislation when set along side the " five freedoms " .
A bold claim which purely from a common sense perspective I seriously doubt to be true.
if the above is true, it should surely be easy for you to provide us with some proof.
I have spoken to the SSPCA regarding keeping rabbits on sand as well as a few very experienced rabbit keepers and no one has mentioned it as a welfare issue as you claim, which seems odd?
The SSPCA seemed more than happy at the prospect of rabbits on sand and positively encouraged it!
My guess would be that this is just more scaremongering on your part but I shall keep an open mind for now and await to see if you do eventually provide some proof before I decide.
I have to question this whole issue of wet litter and flies which keeps arising.
I keep most of my rabbits on sawdust, i remove any wet sawdust every couple of days and change the sawdust weekly, my rabbits are not sitting or sleeping on wet sawdust.
If i were using sand I would be doing exactly the same, they would not be sitting on wet sand either.
As for the flies, if the litter is not kept clean, dry and changed regularly this will happen, the type of litter used is irrelevant whether sand, shavings, sawdust etc
Excessive numbers of flies are a result of poor husbandry and hygiene, not the type of litter used.
Even a wire floored cage system with no litter whatsoever will attract flies if not kept clean.
I may have made an assumption here regarding Clarebelle's rabbit setup and passing on the advice about using dry peat as litter that I had been given by small scale island rabbit keepers.
These people like myself keep small numbers of rabbits, usually between 3 and 30ish and are therefore burning a couple of bucketfuls of peat at a time.
I have assumed as we are on a smallholder forum and from the fact that Clarebelle is on the island of Orkney that her set up was similarly sized.
Clarebelle, if you are running a large commercial rabbit operation on Orkney producing a 25 metre long midden of waste litter please disregard the info on peat burning.
Cloddopper, the internet has been around for a while now and although I appreciate many are still sceptical of it as a resource and that there is a large amount of misinformation on it too, when we search for something on it that produces zero results I have to question the validity of what I'm searching for..
As before, still waiting on the proof, if its true about a welfare prosecution for using sand it should be easy to prove.