Author Topic: Free Smallholder meetings - the 2015 season kicks off!  (Read 3674 times)


  • Joined Jan 2012
Free Smallholder meetings - the 2015 season kicks off!
« on: March 18, 2015, 10:25:58 am »
 Hello everyone,
There's a free pig meeting on Thursday March 26th (next Thursday)! I've just emailed all of you who are on my email list for free courses, so,if you have signed up, you should have an email (if you have not, it's because I can't read your writing...really sorry, some have bounced back, so feel free to email me with your address again if you think you have been missed, or if you want to join the email list - [email protected])
If Nairn is too far North for you – don’t worry. The reason we are doing one so far north is that the next one, in May or June, will be South, to cover everyone.
If you filled out the pig keeper questionnaire featured on The Accidental Smallholder a while ago, then this is the meeting in which the results will be disseminated, and will also allow networking and good knowledge exchange among pig keepers local to your area. Also, as I had some feedback asking for more pig talks, I will be going along myself to do a presentation on pig health and disease (most of you will recognise me from the talks or the information stall we put on at the Smallholder Festivals, or the free courses we’ve run).
Thanks so much to all of you who gave feedback to SRUC at the recent Smallholder Conference in Perth – the response rate was excellent, which can only lead to more free education/information provision, so your comments are very much appreciated.
Please note – we ask you to register for your free place at the pig meeting – this is to make sure that we put out enough chairs! So if you wish to attend, please do either email me, or contact Madeleine at the details below, whichever is easiest for you.
Also, shortly to be announced, a free sheep and poultry evening in Ayr at the end of April, so keep an eye on your inbox or on the forum over the next couple of weeks for details of this also!
Kind regards,
Pig disease and biosecurity for Smallholders:
Disseminating the results of the smallholder pig keeping survey

Venue:    Clubhouse Hotel, Seabank Road, Nairn. IV12 4EY
Date and Time:  Thursday,  March 26th   6.15 for 6.30 pm
Madeleine Henry and Carla Gomes (researchers from SRUC Inverness) together with Caroline Robinson (Veterinary Investigation officer from SAC Consulting, Perth) invite you to a evening meeting to discuss the findings of a recent Scottish survey carried out in 2013 with a focus on biosecurity for smallholders and those involved in small-scale production.
Caroline Robinson will give a talk on pig welfare and disease as it relates to smallholders.
We would be pleased if you could join us for an hour or two, have a light complimentary supper and join in the discussions related to our findings.
Please drop us a quick email or phone us to let us know if you are coming –this will assist with our catering arrangements.
          To register or for more information please contact:        Madeleine Henry on 01463 246060 or email [email protected] 
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  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: Free Smallholder meetings - the 2015 season kicks off!
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 11:59:43 am »
Oh feck. I was supposed to put this on. I forgot. Sorry Madeleine   :dunce:


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Free Smallholder meetings - the 2015 season kicks off!
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2015, 10:56:47 am »
Still places available as of this morning. (It's always harder to fill more northerly meetings and also pig meetings, when compared to the happy rabble you can conjure up for central meetings and sheep meetings for instance!)
Free food and plenty time to discuss your own particular concerns or interests - if you are swithering about registering, we would be really happy to hear from you.
Have a good day everyone,


  • Joined Feb 2015
  • Anglezarke, Lancashire
Re: Free Smallholder meetings - the 2015 season kicks off!
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2015, 08:17:02 am »
sorry to be a pain but are these meetings for Scotland only?
Is it time to retire yet?


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Free Smallholder meetings - the 2015 season kicks off!
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2015, 10:09:39 am »
Hi Kimbo,
Yes, I'm afraid so. They are funded as free education for public health and public good by the Scottish Government at present, and so are run in locations in Scotland.
In saying that, though, Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) is also an institution which has projects and work worldwide, so it might be possible to put on courses on elsewhere in UK if they were funded by someone in that country - obviously it would have to be funded by someone other than ScotGov. So if you hear of any organisations that want to fund courses, feel free to send them my way! We have everything from grassland, vegetable or crop people, to farm business consultants, to food and drink industry experts, to vets. It's a nice place to work, always interesting.
[email protected]
Good luck with looking for courses yourself - I really hope you find something. Perhaps start a topic thread where you ask TAS members to recommend courses outside Scotland? The breadth of experience available on this forum is huge - I'm sure some people will have some useful local information for you. They're a lovely bunch too, really helpful.
Kind regards,


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