We never had that problem until I bought a Patterdale Terrier, he was a needy chap, came into the bed every night otherwise he would moan and wine, and as we had a terraced house I did not want to disturb the neighbor so gave in to him...how wrong, keep firm from the start and tell them no and put them back into thier bed!!! our other dog was brilliant from the start, a ROttie Cross, never even barked unless there was some one around....then, I worked a few miles away and used to pop in and out to check and my neighbour told me they were both making a hell of a din.....I heard them from outside, the Patterdale had a high pitched bark and the Rottie was howling as he did not like the noise...I went in and told them off and they did stop, that is while I was sat outside in the car but I know it was the breed or temrament of the dog rather than anything else, he got ran over as he was an escape artist and none of our other dogs have done it, other than making sure they are warm, comfy and dry, I used to also leave the radio on....good luck..maybe we will have that problem one day again..hope not