Author Topic: Timber/log storage needed  (Read 3424 times)


  • Joined Jan 2009
  • Muiravonside, near Linlithgow
Timber/log storage needed
« on: November 21, 2014, 09:45:59 pm »
OK, bit of an odd ball request, but you are all friendly helpful chaps and great believers in community spirit and all that goodness.

So, I am looking for some storage space to dry logs to use in my log boiler.

My plan is to buy seasoned timber, get it cut and split down to logs and then it will need additional drying time - ideally in a biggish barn/shed - somewhere dry, open and secure!

I'm looking to do a full 44 tonne load at a time  - which will probably need something like 100m3 storage space. (think of something just bigger than  a 40ft shipping container)

in return.....I can either pay you rent for your storage space or split the wood with you - giving you cheap firewood for your own log boiler.

I'm currently paying about £45 per m3 for softwood logs, I reckon doing this in bulk will bring that down to about £15 per m3

So, a pretty significant saving over an annual usage of 70-100m3

I'm just outside Linlithgow so looking for something no more than 30mins from there, my plan would be to make a fortnightly visit to load my van and top up my own (smallish) on site stocks

there would be an annual delivery of the logs and a couple of days on site processing to cut them down/stacking them.

So, will need access/space to be able to unload/cut down the logs.

Anyone able to help?


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