Author Topic: Green deal - can anyone recommend a provider?  (Read 2775 times)


  • Joined Jan 2013
Green deal - can anyone recommend a provider?
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:49:01 pm »
Hi, Not sure if this is in the right place as it's not about renewables but seemed to be the best fit.

We're finally in a position to replace the single glazing in our house with double glazing. As ever on a smallholding there are lots of other jobs we could spend this money on but it's now top worked it's way to (near) the top of the list.

We had a green deal assesment done about 18 months ago as it was a requirement for getting RHI payouts for our biomass boiler. I filed it and didn't think much more about it but having checked it today one of the recommended measures is installing double (or triple glazing).

I rang the energy saving trust today and they said if I wanted to look at applying for green deal finance to fund the double glazing I would have to get quotes from a green deal provider and they sent me a list of providers covering my area (North Wales). So having had a quick look at all the providers websites they all look much the same so I was wondering if anyone had any personal recomendations for companies you have used for the finance part of this process?


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