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Author Topic: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...  (Read 7572 times)


  • Joined Oct 2009
Re: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2009, 11:34:25 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D yeah ok, maybe there are a few things that do .... ;D ;D ;D




  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2009, 09:13:30 am »
any attack was not aimed at you. its the global world conspiracy that really bogs me off. lets face it they could not organize a nice little war in the middle east with out mucking up the faked evidence.

the info on the elderly is true not my view i feel the old should have the right to the same treatment as a younger person.  its always been the unofficial policy of the health folks to provide a lesser service to the old. the last place you want to be for complicated medical/surgical treatment is in a care of the elderly ward. and though its not a government objective that more elderly folks die they don't try very hard to prevent it. the same with deaths in winter if there was a political decision we would have the same winter death rates as Scandinavia.its not government policy but the death of a person on a pension is a net gain for them. this is not eugenics just plain uncaring/in-compatant government.

a word of advice if you have a latex allergy don't take the main vaccine. even though the paperwork says its latex free its bunged with a rubber stopper.


  • Joined Apr 2008
  • Mablethorpe Lincolnshire
Re: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2009, 09:23:00 am »
none of the above answers the question.....Why is the WHO now giving orders to governments instead of it's usual advisory role, and what will happen to ordinary people if they refuse to be vaccinated?


  • Joined Aug 2009
Re: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2009, 09:41:39 am »
There is no cure for colds or flu.

The vaccinations are not cures.

All they do is poison you with a small dose of the bug, or a simulated, chemical made cocktail of what they
think the bug is/does.
Then they hope that your antibodies will fight this and if it does you will become immune to the bug.

The problem with all drugs is they work on a three pronged circuit.  According to my cousin who is the top chemist in
a hospital in Ireland, all drugs, even if they fix you, do two other things to the system, and this is labelled side-effects
because they cannot stop this happening, and these side effects could be more damaging than actually fighting the
bug yourself in certain medications on the market.

My other friend, in England is a Doctor of Genetics, and believes that the only way for the medical profession to get around
this is to use DNA medicine.

She believes that in the future, you will go to the chemist with a print out of your DNA and the DNA pharmacy will give
you a cure that fixes the damaged dna structure therefore eliminates your problem.  All cures will be based on your personal
DNA problem - this makes more sense to me - if it ever happens.

BUT she also believes, through doing a doctorate in Medical DNA structures, that we have missed a few very important things
in life as a race, one very important fact is that when you are born a girl, you already have eggs that were made from your mothers genetic makeup  :o  and therefore, we should keep the name of our mothers when we marry, not our fathers, as it is the woman and the female genetic structure that makes us whom we are, and this would therefore make more sense to keep the female inheritance by surname-  I agree with that too   ::)

Now I know why religions keep women repressed - scared of the truth  ;D ;D ;D  could not cope with female domination in a mans world.
Living the Good Life and spreading the word


  • Joined Oct 2009
Re: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2009, 12:44:54 pm »

hello Sheila ,
the above link answers your question as to why the WHO is giving orders to world governments , and to the question of what will happen to those who don't or won't have the vaccine , it seems to be happening allready  !!!!


« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 12:53:02 pm by RUSTYME »


  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2009, 01:54:29 pm »

a tadge more accurate source.

if this bug was to act like its ancestor in 1918/9 then the first wave was weak followed by two waves that were not.
lets get this clear there is no active virus in the vaccine. you can't catch flu from it and you can not spread it.


  • Joined Oct 2009
Re: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2009, 02:59:09 pm »
yep bound to be more accurate is by the WHO !!!!!!
 I was always taught , study both sides of an argument and make your own decision . But some insist that we should just do exactly as we are told without question . Well for those that are willing to do that fine , no skin off my nose , it is their choice and they are free to make it , wether it be right or wrong  :-\
 But !!!! if people had read the reason why I put the link up ;) , they would realize I did so in response to a question about why the WHO is in the situation of telling world governments what to do !!!! The link provides an answer which, if followed up, can be verified by reading government papers freely available on the appropriate sites. 
 I could have edited the article and just showed the relevant words , but then I would no doubt be accused of editing to suit my own purposes  ::). So I put the link up for everyone to read and  make their own mind up . I do this always, as far as I can remember ? and if I have put an edited section in a post I think I have also put in the link that I took it from . 
 I put the information I find and read, in a post  , so that others , who like me , may be just ordinary people that don't know all the facts about the subject in question . Yes, I will always state my views on the particular subject  ::), and those views may be right or wrong . Either way, they are MY views , and last time I checked, we were still considered to be a free country where free speech 'IS' still just about allowed  :o.
However , there are some that think , if your views differ to theirs or the views of the government then you should not air any opinion . Would that still be considered a free country if we were to act on those wishes ?  ???
 I , as I said, am an ordinary person , without medical knowledge . If I am ill I go to a doctor. But I don't accept everything that doctor says just because he is a doctor . I check things out and make my own decision . If need be, I get a second opinion that wrong ? should I just accept without question what I am told ?  I am not alone in carrying out this procedure . Thousands of people get second opinions . However , they must also have it all wrong  as I do .
 I would ask an expert virologist or Doctor of many years standing , his or her opinion , if there was one on this site . As far as I know there isn't !!!! Just people airing their views the same as I , which they are of course, entitled to do.  ::) ;D ;D ;D




  • Joined Oct 2009
Re: swine flu vaccine , Baxters to the rescue ? , I think not...
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2009, 06:32:05 pm »

The video at top is very interesting to say the least . For anyone in doubt about what she says , just google ... the facts are there for you to see .




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