We have just downloaded the Festival entry forms and have decided to give it a go this year. However, at the last show a few weeks ago, where I was judging, I collapsed big time
, so I need to be careful what I do this time around. Mr F and I would like to show 2 mature tups, so obviously in the same class. I would be
so grateful if someone, preferably someone who is familiar with handling livestock, and tups with giant horns in particular, could spare a while just to be around and help me handle one for the duration of the class. It would just be a hand with moving to and from the pen, then catching up once they've finished running free in the ring.
We will take ewes and maybe also a lamb or two but perhaps I can manage those or we will have only one per class. In the ring I'll be fine when they are just standing.
I do hope a very kind person would be able to help (I feel very pathetic asking