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Author Topic: LleynXShetland lamb weights?  (Read 1594 times)

Young Ed

  • Joined Apr 2014
LleynXShetland lamb weights?
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:47:50 pm »
roughly what should i expect to be getting live slaughter weight, carcass weight and boxed up meat weight for my 2 LleynXShetland lambs
this years lambs from 2 year old Lleyn ewe lambs and a Shetland ram which i am not sure how old he is without checking but can easily be done if it is important
Cheers Ed


  • Joined Jun 2012
  • Basingstoke
Re: LleynXShetland lamb weights?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 07:24:01 pm »
without you weighing them first and seeing liveweight and condition scoring them its hard to tell!

Some lambs may take after the lleyn and some after the shetland,
my shetland cross lambs right now weigh from 40-46 kilo and just need a bit of finish to go, I sold a batch last week as stores to a friend as he needs some more to meet his customer demands

they generally kill out well due to being fine boned and crossed with a charollais, maybe 47-50%, so if they are fit at 45 kilo then they could have maybe 19-20 kilo of joints and meat etc in the box

No idea what lleyns would be like though, as they wont be as heavy as charlie lambs  :thinking:

Best thing to do is try and weigh them and feel for condition, good luck!


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