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Author Topic: Will be looking for a new billy next year  (Read 4372 times)


  • Joined Oct 2009
  • Aberdeenshire
Will be looking for a new billy next year
« on: November 04, 2009, 07:19:32 pm »
My golden Guernsey billy is now related to most of my does and so next year, I will be looking for another billy, preferably a kid so that I can get him used to being handled and socialize him with the rest of the herd before his brain cells migrate to his nether regions  ;D  I'll be looking for a British Saanen from a good milking strain and preferably from a bloodline which is tractable (I've got one line of does which definately have attitude and a full-on billy with the same temperament would be a nightmare). Does anyone know of a goatkeeper who might have such a billy kid available to buy after weaning next year ?  I'm up in Aberdeenshire and without my own transport so while I can get friends to trek me around reasonable distances, I can't travel the length and breadth of the country.


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  • Joined Sep 2008
  • Avonbridge, Falkirk
Re: Will be looking for a new billy next year
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2009, 10:16:50 pm »

Sylvia Mearns lives at Kingswells outside Aberdeen, and she breeds and shows British Saanens. Her goats are always pretty quiet, my youngest neices have borrowed her kids before to show in child handler classes as they are nice and docile. How much are you looking to pay? I don't know how much she would want for a kid, as hers are well bred, and come from a really high milking strain. I can pm you her number if you are interested. If you got in touch now, she would probably have no trouble keeping you a male kid from next year's kiddings.



  • Joined Oct 2009
  • Aberdeenshire
Re: Will be looking for a new billy next year
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2009, 04:54:13 pm »
Hi ballingall,

Sylvia Mearns sounds ideal - as for price, I haven't a clue what the going rate is - I've had my foundation does seven years ago from a friend who was giving up showing because she had to look after a very infirm mother and I know that I got them at a very good price because she wanted them to go to someone that she knew.  My Golden Guernsey billy also came cheap because he had been at a petting farm but had been badly disbudded and grew a fearsome horn which stuck forwards making him a bit of a liability around children :o  I guess there must be a going rate for well bred boys ... any idea what a ball-park figure might be ?  I know prices seem to vary for does depending on where in the UK you are.  Any which way, a new billy will have to be had and a good one is a must.  Incidently, John will be staying with me (GG) and maybe (I know I shouldn't be tempted ... but ...) I'll also track down a nice GG doe.  I wish goats weren't so addictive  :(

So yes, please pm me her number and I'll see if I can book a next year's kid.




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