hello Sheila,
for anyone that had some seeds there wouldn't be anything they HAD to do, to be a recipient. All that would be hoped, is that the seeds were actually used to provide that person and their family with good food , and that 'hopefully' they would at least keep the seed from one or two types of veg . If they collected seeds from all their veg types, to grow on year after year,then that would be fantastic, and very easy to do (it aint rocket science, the plant does it for you !).
I won't be collecting names ,or making lists of people , (I am not a club type person) , but when I am set up and ready, I will put a post on the forum (even if I have gone off radar completely, or thrown another hissy fit !!!
It will be two years before I am set up properly , as I have to save extra seed from stock I will grow this coming season , and then even more the following year, and some seeds are obtained in the second year of growth too !! .
As with any plan to grow plants , things can go wrong . Too much rain , not enough rain, too much wind , too cold etc etc . So things can take a while to get going . But it will happen eventually . I just hope food prices don't jump up too high before it gets rolling , they well may do !!!